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MeatCo Skyrockets Meat Production by 86% in Just One Quarter – Find Out How!

In a significant turnaround, the Namibian Meat Corporation, MeatCo, has achieved an impressive 86% surge in meat production by slaughtering 16,200 cattle during the first quarter of 2023. This remarkable recovery follows a net loss of N$205 million experienced during the 2022 financial year. With renewed optimism, MeatCo aims to capitalize on this positive momentum, especially after securing a N$200 million investment to bolster its operations. The company’s recent successes can be attributed, in part, to strategic partnerships and favorable government directives, as we will explore further in this article.

Expanding Market Opportunities: MeatCo owes a portion of its recent success to the Botswana government’s directive, announced on 8th November 2021, allowing the export of live animals for slaughter from 1st January 2022 to 31st December 2023. In response to this directive, Namibia’s Cabinet authorized MeatCo to import 20,000 head of cattle. Building on this momentum, MeatCo intends to continue procuring an additional 2,000 cattle from Botswana in the 2023 financial year, with a long-term goal of slaughtering 60,000 cattle annually for the export market.

Strategic Collaborations and Marketing Initiatives: MeatCo recognizes the importance of forging strong partnerships within the industry and has actively engaged with farmers’ associations to enhance cattle marketing events. The company plans to establish buying points strategically located along main routes in farming areas, enabling efficient capture of feedlot and slaughter-ready cattle destined for commercial auctions. These initiatives aim to optimize market access and strengthen MeatCo’s presence throughout the supply chain.

Diversification and Global Expansion: Acknowledging the potential of emerging markets, MeatCo has successfully exported beef to China and the United States. In addition, the company has focused on the northern communal area (NCA), operating the Katima Mulilo abattoir and marketing certified beef in line with the Commodity-Based Trade Protocol. Consequently, MeatCo has opened up avenues for Namibian beef in markets such as Ghana, Angola, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Encouraged by this success, MeatCo plans to operate abattoirs in Rundu and Oshakati, facilitating market access for NCA farmers in potential markets across Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

Driving Profitability for Livestock Producers: MeatCo acknowledges that sustained growth in Namibia’s livestock farming sector, valued at N$6.3 billion, depends on profitability for producers. By prioritizing the farm level and implementing measures to enhance profitability, MeatCo aims to revitalize the sector and create a conducive environment for producers to thrive. Through increased production targets and strategic sourcing, the company plans to slaughter 60,000 cattle from the south of the redline and an additional 10,000 from producers north of the redline during the 2023 financial year.

MeatCo’s remarkable 86% increase in meat production during the first quarter of 2023 represents a significant milestone for the company and Namibia’s livestock farming sector as a whole. With a renewed focus on diversification, strategic collaborations, and expanding market opportunities, MeatCo aims to sustain this growth trajectory. By capitalizing on government directives, investing in infrastructure, and prioritizing profitability for producers, MeatCo is paving the way for a prosperous future in the face of evolving market dynamics and challenges within the meat production industry.

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