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Narok’s Dairy Renaissance: New KCC’s $5.16M Milk Processing Plant Set to Transform the Landscape and Empower Farmers.

Turning a New Leaf: Government-Backed Milk Processing Plant to Usher in a Dairy Revolution in Narok County

In a visionary stride toward transformation, the landscape of Narok County is poised to undergo a dairy revolution. The state-owned dairy giant, New Kenya Cooperative Creameries (New KCC), is gearing up to establish a cutting-edge milk processing plant with a staggering investment of $5.16 million. As the sun sets on the era of milk brokers and incongruous pricing, the government’s resolute push to empower farmers and elevate the dairy sector shines as a beacon of hope.

Erasing Inequity: A Resolute Stand Against Brokers

At the helm of this ambitious endeavor is Simon Chelugui, the Cabinet Secretary in Charge of Cooperative and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise. With unflinching determination, Chelugui is setting the stage to eliminate the burden of milk brokers that have long exploited farmers, squeezing their hard-earned produce for unjust profits. The days of distressingly low prices and exorbitant reselling are numbered.

Setting a New Standard: Empowering Farmers

Chelugui’s vision transcends mere change; it is a blueprint for empowerment. Through the establishment of state-of-the-art processing facilities, the government aspires to liberate farmers from the shackles of underpriced milk. A powerful pledge accompanies this vision: no less than Kes 50 for a liter of milk. This promise seeks to catapult farmers toward just compensation for their toil and dedication.

Cultivating Growth: Amplifying Daily Milk Production

Narok County stands on the precipice of unprecedented growth in milk production. Chelugui’s strategic plan is anchored in ambition—to elevate the nation’s daily milk production from 1.5 million liters to an astounding 4.5 million liters. The vision is simple yet profound: empower farmers to not only survive but thrive by expanding their production capabilities.

A Hub of Excellence: A Training Ground for the Future

The government’s commitment doesn’t halt at processing plants; it extends to a modern dairy farm adjacent to the processing facility. This space will not only churn out dairy products but also act as a training ground for farmers. The goal is to empower Narok’s farmers with the knowledge and skills to lead the nation in milk production. The legacy of Narok’s high-quality milk is destined to resonate across international markets.

Sparking Prosperity: Unleashing Economic Potential

Governor Ntutu’s enthusiasm is palpable as he unveils the transformative potential of this endeavor. With 30 acres of dedicated land, the dairy plant promises to be a game-changer. The ripple effect of this initiative is profound: 200 direct employments and 1,000 indirect employments will curtail unemployment rates, breathing new life into the county. A symphony of empowerment and opportunity is set to reverberate.

Climate Resilience: Navigating Challenges with Innovation

As the world grapples with an increasingly unpredictable climate, Bernard Kimoro, Head of Climate Change and Livestock Sustainability at the Ministry of Agriculture, underscores the significance of resilience. Amidst climatic shocks, milk production is vulnerable. Yet, the ministry is resolute in its commitment, with climate-smart agricultural strategies poised to mitigate the impact of climate change.

As the machinery of progress hums to life in Narok County, a symphony of transformation and prosperity reverberates. The seeds of change sown by New KCC’s visionary venture are poised to yield a harvest of empowerment, equitable pricing, and economic vibrancy. Narok’s dairy revolution stands as a testament to the power of governmental commitment and industry collaboration, painting a brighter tomorrow for farmers and consumers alike.

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