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Kenya – Marsabit’s Funaan Idha Dam Overflows, Bringing Prosperity to the Arid Lands

The Funaan Idha dam in Marsabit county is breaking free from the chains of prolonged drought, with its waters cascading over the edges in a celebration of abundance. This welcome sight follows years of arid conditions, offering a beacon of hope to the region as heavy rains bless the landscape and fill the dam to its brim.

A Reservoir of Resilience: Funaan Idha Dam’s Journey to Fullness

Constructed in 2021 with a robust storage capacity of 84,000 cubic meters, the Funaan Idha dam stands as a testament to innovation and strategic planning. The Sh60 million project, commissioned by Governor Mohamud Ali, has swiftly become a lifeline for Marsabit county, addressing the longstanding issue of water scarcity and breathing new life into the agricultural sector.

A Vision Realized: County Government and World Bank Collaboration

The Funaan Idha Earth Dam and Auxiliary structure are the result of collaborative efforts between the County Government and the World Bank, orchestrated through the Smart Climate and Agriculture Project. This forward-thinking initiative, funded with a vision for sustainable development, is not only changing the landscape but also empowering communities and alleviating the burden of water shortages.

Officials on Site: Monitoring Success, Ensuring Safety

Recently, the County Department of Agriculture, led by CECM Hussein Ali Hussein, Chief Officers Orge Gila Baji and Wato Denge, along with Director Boru Jillo, visited the dam site to witness the overflow firsthand. Hussein expressed satisfaction at the fluctuating rainfall levels that have led to the dam reaching its full capacity, ensuring sufficient water for irrigation.

A Plan for the Future: Managing Overflow and Ensuring Safety

Hussein highlighted the careful planning involved, including an emergency spillway, assuring residents that safety measures are in place. With the dam serving as a vital source for irrigation, Hussein emphasized the potential for increased food security, bringing an end to the reliance on relief food and marking a new era for the region.

Empowering Farmers: From Relief to Resilience

The county government, under Governor Mohamud Ali’s visionary leadership, has invested in numerous dam projects to combat water shortages. With the Funaan Idha dam at full capacity, Hussein foresees a transformation in the region’s agricultural landscape, empowering farmers through knowledge, skills, and the use of smart agricultural technologies.

A Community Affair: Local Impact and Income Generation

Community Elder Qalicha Doyo shared the sentiment of the region, expressing gratitude for the dam’s overflow and the potential end to food insecurity. Marsabit County Smart Climate Agriculture Coordinator Wato Denge assured that the dam’s design, with two spillways, prevents flooding in surrounding homesteads. The dam, beyond its primary purpose, is seen as a catalyst for income-generating projects determined by the community.

A Promise Fulfilled: Marsabit’s Future in Full Bloom

As the Funaan Idha dam spills over, Marsabit county witnesses not only a surge in water levels but a surge in hope, prosperity, and resilience. Governor Ali’s commitment to utilizing smart agricultural technologies positions Marsabit on the path to sustainable growth, turning challenges into opportunities and marking a new chapter for this arid yet promising landscape. The Funaan Idha dam’s overflow symbolizes not just a full reservoir but a reservoir of promise for the people of Marsabit.

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