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Namibian Poultry Industry Takes Flight: Seizing Opportunities Amidst South African Poultry Import Ban

In the heart of Namibia, a new dawn is breaking for poultry farmers and egg sellers alike. The recent suspension of poultry product imports from South Africa has unlocked a treasure trove of opportunities right in their backyard. This ban, enforced in response to the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreak in South Africa, has sent shockwaves through the industry, paving the way for local poultry producers and entrepreneurs to thrive.

Capitalizing on Local Potential

Eager to capitalize on this window of opportunity, Lam Tukondjela, a poultry reseller, envisions a brighter future for Namibian poultry farmers. He believes that this ban is an invitation for local poultry farmers to roll up their sleeves, ramp up production, and unleash their products into a market hungry for quality poultry.

“It is actually a good opportunity for local poultry product producers and farmers. This is bringing forth an opportunity for us to sell,” Tukondjela asserts. He rightly points out that the South African market will inevitably face a shortfall in poultry products, creating an expansive niche for Namibian producers.

Overcoming Challenges

In the egg-selling business, challenges have been aplenty. Fluctuating consumer purchasing power, often tied to inflation and fuel price hikes, has left many consumers reevaluating their buying choices. Eggs, once a staple, have been viewed as a luxury by some, resulting in a decline in clientele.

Tukondjela emphasizes the importance of perseverance in this climate, urging industry players to push through the hardships. And now, with the import ban, the tide is turning in favor of local producers.

A Golden Opportunity for Export

Agricultural analyst Dobson Kwala sees the ban as an opportunity for poultry farmers to export to South Africa. The potential demand in South Africa could easily outstrip Namibian supplies if the country acts swiftly.

The prospects extend beyond South Africa; open markets in Botswana beckon. With proper planning and measures, Namibia could become a key supplier. However, the challenge of sourcing enough feed remains.

“We are not sure how long this ban is going to be on, but we need to take advantage of this opportunity,” Kwala emphasizes.

Local Entrepreneurship Rising to the Occasion

Local entrepreneur and poultry farmer Albert Uulenga acknowledges that the ban may pose challenges for poultry produce sellers. As it stands, Namibia struggles to meet its domestic poultry demand, let alone have surplus for export.

Uulenga highlights the issue of suppliers exploiting the demand-supply equation by raising egg prices excessively. These inflated prices can slow down sales and hinder local entrepreneurship.

Government’s Stance and Vision

Jona Musheka, spokesperson for the Agriculture Ministry, reaffirms the ban’s restrictions on poultry imports from South Africa. While there’s no set date for lifting the suspension, South Africa reports progress in containing the virus.

In light of potential high demand, importers might be compelled to look elsewhere for their poultry products. Musheka encourages Namibians to engage more in food production, specifically poultry and pork. He envisions a nation capable of producing 80% of its food requirements.


In the wake of adversity, Namibia’s poultry industry is showing resilience and adaptability. The ban on poultry imports from South Africa may be seen as a challenge by some, but visionary entrepreneurs and farmers view it as an unparalleled opportunity to take center stage in the regional poultry market.

As they forge ahead with determination and innovation, the Namibian poultry industry has the potential to not only meet local demand but also play a significant role in regional poultry production. This ban, though unforeseen, is the catalyst for a new era in Namibian agriculture.

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