Empowering Farmers through Knowledge

Key Takeaways from the Africa Food Systems Forum 2023

The Africa Food Systems Forum 2023 has drawn to a close, leaving in its wake a resounding call to action. With the participation of over 5,400 delegates, including five Heads of State and 30 Ministers from 90 countries, this 13th Annual Forum provided a dynamic platform for the continent’s foremost thinkers, policymakers, and innovators to converge. They united under a common purpose: to accelerate food systems transformation by scaling up existing solutions.

A Catalyst for Progress:

The Forum served as a melting pot of ideas, where visionaries gathered to explore the latest breakthroughs and best practices in agriculture and food systems transformation. It was not merely a gathering of minds but a rallying cry for bold thought leadership. The urgency was clear – translating food systems pathways and commitments into actionable strategies, with a particular emphasis on addressing the pressing issue of climate change.

A Commitment to Empowerment:

One of the resounding themes echoed throughout the Forum was the commitment to place youth and women at the heart of food systems transformation. Hussein Mohamed Bashe, the Minister for Agriculture in Tanzania, affirmed his government’s dedication to this cause. He acknowledged the indispensable role of the private sector and passionately called for equitable investments.

“Smallholder farmers in Africa do not need your help, they need their right equitable share of investment in the global funding,” he asserted. This sentiment resonated strongly among the delegates, reinforcing the need for inclusive growth and empowerment.

A Record-Breaking Host:

The Africa Food Systems Forum 2023 also made history by hosting the highest number of delegates to date. Mr. Amath Pathe, the Managing Director of the Forum, extended his gratitude to H.E Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of the United Republic of Tanzania, for the remarkable hospitality provided by her government. It was a testament to the commitment of African nations to drive change on a global scale.

A Future Forged Through Collaboration:

Collaboration emerged as the linchpin of progress during the Forum. It was abundantly clear that partnerships among governments, businesses, civil society, farmers’ organizations, and research institutions will shape a future where sustainable and prosperous food systems become the bedrock of Africa’s progress.

The Africa Food Systems Forum 2023 has concluded, but its echoes resonate far and wide. It is a call to action, a commitment to inclusivity, and a testament to the power of collaboration. As Africa charts its course towards food systems transformation, the Forum stands as a beacon of hope, guiding the way toward a brighter, more sustainable future.

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