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Egyptian Importers Rally for Broader Export Bans Amid Soaring Food Prices

As Egypt initiates a three-month ban on onion exports in response to soaring prices, importers are sounding the clarion call for more extensive measures to curb escalating costs. Their appeal extends to broadening the scope of export bans to encompass other essential commodities and clamping down on hoarding practices.

A Welcomed Onion Export Ban

Originally slated to commence last week but postponed to honor prior export agreements, the onion export ban has garnered positive reactions from importers. They contend that such bans should be extended to cover goods like tomatoes, potatoes, and beans, which have also witnessed significant price hikes.

Ahmed Sheha, a prominent member of the importer’s division at the Cairo Chamber of Commerce, underscores the importance of vigilant market monitoring. While the onion export ban is seen as a step in the right direction, Sheha cautions that some vendors may resort to hoarding onions with the intention of releasing them at inflated prices once the ban concludes. To counter such practices, Sheha proposes that the government considers extending the ban’s duration and implementing measures to prevent price manipulation.

Rising Onion Prices: A Cause for Concern

In September, onion prices in Egypt reached a staggering US$1.13 per kilogram in certain local markets. This represented a dramatic 106% increase from the previous month when prices stood at US$0.55 per kilogram. Even more astonishing is the year-on-year surge, with onion prices ballooning by an astounding 1,328% from US$0.079 per kilogram a year ago. Traditionally an affordable and essential vegetable in Egyptian cuisine, onions have become a symbol of the challenges posed by escalating food prices.

Exports and Inflation: A Tangled Web

According to data from the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), Egypt’s onion exports experienced a robust increase of 95.9% during the first six months of 2023, reaching US$129.3 million compared to US$66 million in the same period the previous year. This surge in exports has played a role in driving up domestic prices.

August witnessed a monthly inflation rate of 2.2% in food and beverage prices in Egypt, with vegetable prices registering a more substantial increase of 24.4% compared to 5.5% the previous month. Year-on-year figures paint a stark picture, with food and beverage prices surging by 71.9%, while housing and restaurant services increased by 49.5%.

Government Action for Food Security

As Egypt grapples with the mounting challenge of rising food prices, the government’s measures to restrict exports of essential goods are viewed as crucial in managing domestic inflation and safeguarding food security for its citizens. These actions align with the nation’s commitment to ensuring that its people have access to affordable and essential food items.

Egypt’s Global Agricultural Exports

According to data from the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Egypt’s major agricultural exports to the world include potatoes, cotton, and fresh fruit, particularly citrus. These products find their way to various destinations, with the EU, Russia, North Africa, and the Middle East being primary markets. Notably, Egyptian exports of food and agriculture products to the United States reached a record $151 million in 2018, marking a 19% increase or a growth of $24.5 million compared to 2017. Key exports to the United States included processed fruit and vegetables, spices, essential oils, and herbs.

Egypt finds itself at a crossroads, grappling with the challenge of rising food prices. The onion export ban is a pivotal step, but importers are advocating for a broader approach to include other essential commodities and tackle hoarding practices. As Egypt navigates these challenges, the government’s commitment to preserving food security for its citizens remains unwavering. It’s a multifaceted effort that not only impacts domestic markets but also reverberates on the global agricultural stage. In this dynamic landscape, Egypt is a key player, exporting its agricultural prowess to regions far and wide.

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