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Unlocking Namibia’s Agricultural Potential: Revitalizing the Green Scheme Projects for a Sustainable Future.

Discover how Namibia’s Green Scheme Projects hold the key to transforming its agricultural landscape, fostering self-sufficiency, and igniting economic growth.

In a land marked by breathtaking landscapes and resilient communities, Namibia’s agricultural aspirations stand at a crossroads. As the nation strives for self-sufficiency and economic prosperity, the Green Scheme Projects emerge as a beacon of hope, offering a path towards sustainable development and food security.

From Import Dependence to Agricultural Independence

Namibia’s agriculture policy stands as a cornerstone, a framework aligning policies, laws, and regulations to ignite growth. But the recent revelation from the Namibia Merchandise Trade Statistics Bulletin is a stark reminder: between June 2022 and June 2023, Namibia imported a staggering N$340.8 million worth of rice. This glaring gap highlights the urgency of weaning the nation off its dependency on imports, especially when food insecurity casts a shadow over communities.

Green Scheme: Cultivating Success on Arid Lands

Bridging this gap is where the Green Scheme Projects come into play, a bold initiative breathing life into 27,000 hectares of arable land along Namibia’s perennial rivers and abundant inland areas. Picture the Zambezi and Kavango regions blooming as food security hubs, resilient against external supply chains that drain the nation’s resources.

Yet, these Green Scheme Projects, numbering eleven, have faced an uphill battle. Hindered by underfunding, they’ve come screeching to a halt. Enter AgriBusDev, entrusted by the Agriculture Ministry to maintain sustainability and economic viability. However, the message is clear: the responsibility does not rest solely on the government’s shoulders. It’s a symphony of cooperation between the public and private sectors, bolstered by the farming community, that will transform agricultural development objectives into reality.

Irrigation: The Looming Promise

Irrigation is the linchpin of this agricultural revolution, a vital tool for realizing sustainable development goals. Despite substantial investment and abundant water resources, the journey to food self-sufficiency and socio-economic prosperity remains elusive. Enter the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, set on a path to review the Green Scheme Projects. The verdict? Persistent issues are rooted in inconsistent policies, political commitment gaps, low awareness, and limited technical expertise. These obstacles have thwarted the goals that beckon the nation.

Charting a New Course: Overcoming Challenges

Namibia’s potential can only be unlocked by providing a robust policy framework, embracing apt technology, and elevating farmer awareness. The Green Scheme Projects, long dormant, are hindered by management woes, market obstacles, and a deficit in technical prowess. Yet, these hurdles, daunting as they seem, carry the seeds of opportunity. With the right nurturing, the system can bloom into a job-creating force, bolstering economic progress for all.

Budgets Allocated, but Challenges Persist

While a fair budget of N$2.4 billion was earmarked for agriculture in FY2023/24, it’s a mere drop in the bucket when the population’s demands surge. The rice import trend spirals ominously, threatening the nation’s economic stability. The answer? Sustainable irrigation practices not only boost productivity but also minimize the financial burden of imports.

Kalimbeza Rice Project: A Testament to Potential

In the heart of the Zambezi Region, the Kalimbeza Rice Project lies dormant, a victim of underfunding. Once brought to life by a N$7.1 million injection from the Ministry of Agriculture, the project remains a poignant reminder of the challenges that Green Scheme Projects face. With the capacity to produce three rice varieties, its potential waits untapped on 229 hectares in Kabbe North Constituency.

A Call for Action: The Path Forward

It’s time for Namibia’s agricultural sector to embrace reform. Learning from global exemplars like China, the United States, India, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, and South Africa, Namibia must reshape its strategies. Flexibility, collaboration, and knowledge sharing are the stepping stones toward success.

The Light Ahead: Towards Sustainable Progress

As the Namibia Training Authority champions the National Policy on Work-integrated Learning, the agricultural sector stands poised for transformation. Reforms and increased public investments are the cornerstone, paving the way for skill development and knowledge enhancement. But this journey is not one of the solitary steps. Green Scheme Projects demand review, revaluation, and a commitment to monitoring and evaluation practices.

Embrace the Challenge, Seize the Opportunity

In the face of adversity, courage is the North Star guiding us forward. Decision-makers, armed with vision, must navigate the complex landscape, spearheading reforms that align with the needs of the people. Partnerships between the government and private sector are the catalysts for infrastructural growth, making the impossible possible.

From Status Quo to Bold Promises

As policymakers grapple with the intricacies, one truth shines bright: maintaining the status quo is not an option. It’s time for Namibia to adopt policies that unleash the full potential of the Green Scheme Projects. The promise they hold for food security, livelihoods, and environmental sustainability is too immense to ignore. A transformed landscape awaits, one where Namibia emerges not just as a nation, but as a thriving testament to what can be achieved through determination and innovation.

The Original Article was written by Josef Kefas Sheehama for The Villager

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