Plant Early, Plant Effectively
Choosing the right time to plant is often the most important part of planting.
The best strategy to use to increase yields is: if your soil is ready, start planting. There are tests you can perform on your soil to see if it is ready for planting. Today’s hybrid seeds create a more sustainable product, but knowing if your field is ready for early planting is just as important. Planting early can result in increased yields by taking advantage of unexpectedly early favorable soil conditions.

Practice Seasonal Soil Rotation
When you are planting season by season, it is important to understand how planting recurring crops can affect your overall yield.
Planting corn in consecutive years has been proven to be less effective for optimal yields. This means that corn-on-corn planting should only be considered when your soil conditions are strong enough, or your land mass is limited. If you don’t have access to either, you may need to consider planting alternative crops in alternating years — such as soybeans. Planting an alternating crop helps to diversify the demands on your soil. This results in crops that not only yield more but continually produce year in and year out.
Know the Yield Potential
It is not just enough to plan your seeds and hope for the best, you should always be sure to understand your field’s growth potential. Understanding the kind of crops you’re planting, and the kinds of seeds you are using is important when assessing yield potential. Crop producers typically have an estimated idea of the yield potential of their seeds. Understanding this will help you manage not only your expectations but also whether or not your yield potential matches your actual production.
Always Scout Your Fields
One of the most important pieces of advice you can receive about how to increase crop yields is to scout your fields on foot. This will give you a chance to assess soil conditions, notice any weeds cropping up, and check that your crops are growing healthily. There is a lot you can miss when you are passing by your crops at high speeds, so hitting the ground and examining your crops is an important step toward a stronger crop yield
Ensure Proper Water Drainage
Water management is essential to crop survival and maximizing your corn’s yield potential. It’s important to ensure your crop is getting enough water, but also that they aren’t being over-watered. Developing a drainage system in your crops can help prevent water logging and salinization in your soil, both of which can stifle growth and production.
Utilize Fertilizers
Cultivating your soil with fertilizers is an important part of maintaining optimal soil conditions for crops on your farmland. Fertilizing your corn at the time of seeding can help provide the seeds with essential nutrients like potassium, phosphorous, and calcium. The root zone at the base of your crops is the most important area for growth, allowing your corn to thrive and produce a high yield.
Test Your Soil
Soil testing should be on your to-do list right from the get-go because your soil and its needs will directly influence the growth of your crops. Examining the phosphorus, potassium, and fertilization levels will give you insight into how to handle your crops. It will also let you know when proper soil conditions are forming, such as optimal density and the right amount of nutrients, so you are ready to start planting.
Weed Early and Often
Weeds are not just the enemy of front lawns and golf courses, they can also compromise your farmland. Weeds are invasive and siphon nutrients away from the crops you are trying to grow. Weeds always need to be dealt with as early and often as possible. Scouting your fields gives you the opportunity to see if any weeds are cropping up and put a stop to them before the problem gets out of hand.
Seed Quality
Having quality seeds is the basis for increasing crop yields. Whether you are looking into increasing your corn yields or maximizing your overall agricultural productivity, you need to consider the strength of your seeds. Using hybrid seeds that are naturally inclined to grow faster, stronger, and with greater efficiency is pivotal to the success of your crops. Hybrid seeds combine sustainability and cost seamlessly, which accounts for both quality and cost.
In conclusion, the success of maize production on a farm largely depends on several factors, such as choosing the right time to plant, practicing seasonal soil rotation, understanding the yield potential, scouting fields, ensuring proper water drainage, using fertilizers, testing the soil, controlling weeds, and using quality seeds. By implementing these strategies, farmers can improve their maize production and maximize their yields. It is crucial to understand the unique requirements of the soil and the crops and adjust the farming practices accordingly for the best results. Proper planning, preparation, and execution are key to success in maize farming and ensuring a sustainable and profitable agricultural business.