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Zambia’s Agricultural Future: How the Lobito Corridor is Driving Agro-Processing Growth

The Lobito Corridor is emerging as a game-changer for Africa's agricultural potential, serving as a strategic gateway for agricultural and mineral exports. This vital trade route, extending from the mineral-rich areas of Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) through Angola to the Atlantic port of Lobito, is set to revolutionize the agro-processing industry in the region. It is not only reshaping transportation infrastructure but also opening…

Zimbabwean Rancher Collins Tafireyi Sets Record with US$444,000 Purchase of Boran Bull

In a groundbreaking event for the African cattle ranching industry, Zimbabwean rancher Collins Tafireyi has made headlines with a record-setting…

Outgrower Scheme for Smallholder Farmers Launched: Empowering Zimbabwe’s Agricultural Future

In a transformative move for Zimbabwe's agricultural sector, Montgomery Processors, renowned for the Monty’s brand, and the Central Association of…

Zimbabwe’s Food Security Outlook: Worsening Conditions Amidst El Nino-Induced Drought

Zimbabwe is bracing itself for an exacerbation of its food security challenges as the World Food Programme (WFP) warns of…

Under the Grip of Drought: Zimbabwean Farmers Struggle as Crops Wither

As the sun blazes relentlessly over Zimbabwe's parched landscape, a grim reality unfolds for farmers across the nation. What should…

Mastering Tobacco Farming in Drought: Expert Tips for Quality Cured Leaves

As drought conditions persist in tobacco-growing regions, farmers face the daunting task of maintaining crop quality amidst environmental challenges. Research…

Inside Rwanda’s New $100 Million Dairy Project: A Transformational Leap in Dairy Sector Sustainability

Rwanda, a nation known for its progressive strides in agricultural development, has embarked on a monumental journey towards bolstering its…

Rwanda: How Agricultural Biotechnology Offers Hope for Banana Varieties Threatened by Panama Disease

In the verdant landscapes of Rwanda, where bananas are not just a fruit but a cultural icon, a silent menace…

Zimbabwe’s Victory Over Livestock Diseases: ‘January Disease Under Control’ Signals Promising Progress

In a significant stride towards safeguarding Zimbabwe's precious cattle population, the nation's relentless battle against the scourge of tick-borne diseases,…

Zimbabwe’s Hemp Revolution: A Call to Arms for Value Addition

Zimbabwe is poised to emerge as a regional leader in industrial hemp production, with a notable surge in registered players…

Transforming Rwanda’s Agricultural Landscape: NST1 Spurs Remarkable Growth in Fertilizer Use and Irrigation

In a groundbreaking stride towards agricultural prosperity, Rwanda's National Strategy for Transformation (NST1) has witnessed an extraordinary surge in fertilizer…

Growing Cabbage in Zimbabwe and Zambia

Section 1: Cabbage Cultivars Cabbage cultivars, integral to a successful cabbage cultivation venture, are meticulously classified based on essential attributes…

Rwanda’s Sweet Solution: RAB Calls for Bee-Friendly Farming Amidst Declining Honey Production

In response to a concerning national decline in honey production, the Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB) is…